Powerful Spiritual & Physic healer

A Powerful African Native Witch Doctor & spell caster

Doctor Honey Love a Powerful traditional African Witch Doctor specialises in various forms of spell casting like to bring back lost lover, binding spells, Commitment spells, Gay attraction spells, Return lost love, Quick divorce, Stop divorce, marriage spells and many others Offering 100% guarateed results and many spiritual work that have not been mentioned here including unfinished work for other doctors.
the offer of free spells that has been running from 2019 for 70,000 ended on 14/02/2023.



Bring back Ex lover spell is a love spell manifested to bring back the lost feelings of love for your Ex lover, this spell is one of the most powerful love spells with strong ingredient that can trigger the emotions and feeling of the person who left you to come back looking for you with much more love than the one he/she left with. This spell doesn’t consider Whether he or she is not willing or in another relationship, there are powerful ingredients which will work in focusing to bring back your lover faithful, honest and promises you to never leave you again because you be with his/her remote control and will be doing only what you want him to do leaving out what you hate him to do.

Commitment spells

You can make him or her commit to your relationship using my commitment spell  that have strong natural ingredients to increase your love bond and its one of my most powerful love spells. Your partner will begin to focus on your relationship more than how they have been before. These spells removes infidelity attributes from your relationship be it when someone has ever admired him/her and he does any spell work on him, this spell will break everything and put a spiritual boundary to protect your lover from other people with intentions of taking him from you.

Attraction spells

My attraction spell is one of my most powerful love spells and you should try it on anyone your falling for secretly. Increase your charm in the eyes of your partner to make them love you more. Attract your lost lover who may have lost interest in you thus them developing attraction feelings they have never thought of, they will now see you more charming in beauty, love and all whatever you do. You can also use these spells to make someone you admire to fall in love with you affectionately, using super natural divine powers. I have a powerful bring back lost lover spell try it now.


My cleansing spell is one of my most powerful cleansing spells and it helps anyone who have obstacles in his/her life like misfortunes, not being loved, not given, unhappy relationships, business issues and removes all bad curses completely. It helps you to shine in everything you want to do. Everything you suggest to someone is considered is considered as a command to them and they put into action. It was formed in 1863 by late grand Jaja Khalidi Zabumba. And he has the powers of ancestor jaja Kayizi. No side effects, No back fire or side effects

Divorce spell

This spell help my clients to speed up a divorce process which is undergoing or at any level  when you need separation, shares of wealth and riches and full control over your children, its one of the most powerful love spells, but still my spell have ingredients and powers to stop divorce process your lover had requested for and he/she can again settle back with you permanently and removes all the bad heartedly issues if you still love you lover and renewing your love within your desire time and doctor has a powerful bring back lost lover spell try it now.

Binding Love Spells

My binding spell make someone to stick to you no matter what circumstance in love, loyalty and honesty, its one of my most powerful love spells, this spell binds together the minds, heart, soul, body and spirit in favor of what my clients wants. Even if there is any mistake or harm done on you be it misunderstandings, it can never be identical to that very person you intend to be worked on. It was formed in 1864 by late grand Jaja Zijjangampewo, No back fire, no side effects and doctor has a powerful bring back lost lover spell try it now.

Money Spell

This spell was formed in the year of 1773 by my late grand Jaja KAVUMBULA NDIGULA “peace upon Him”. And it has powers of my ancestors, the MOST HIGH ANCESTOR JAJA Ddungu, and THE HIGHIEST ANCESTOR JAJA MUKASA and it has really helped so many people from the time i was chose by the Divine Spiritual Powers. this spell has many different sectors let’s say you would like to boost your business and it's work but you want to take it another bigger level and you who want to partner with someone who could raise your ideas financially even when you’re going to meet someone who could be a very big stepping stop in your life financially this spell is just changed to suit my client's want and those are different spells from other spells. Spell for acquiring fast and forever richness and these spells are casted differently that it doesn't mean that the spell i made for someone will be the same spell i will make for you and it's casted basing on your spiritual personality and my money spell is not HUMAN BLOOD sacrifice for money No and it’s not the richness you’re getting from this spell will be forever and ever unless when you really want to improve to the next step and this spell has the power to protect your money from things like theft or your property being exposed to risks this spell protects all and he is the one with the most powerful bring back lost lover spell.


Doctor Honey love spell help everyone who is in the relationship who needs powerful love spells. There are different powers and ingredients in his love spells, all together basing on two lovers either you have been in relationship or you have just started a relationship. It has ingredients to make two lovers to have feelings to each other, to make everyone to take care to each other, to make everyone to get concern to each other, to make everyone to be good to each other, to make your relationship new, to make everyone to listen to each other. It has powers to make your love be sweet like bee honey and it has ingredient to make two lovers agree together. It also has the powers of the highest ancestors grand Jaja Mukasa. it has powers of sweetness of the Honey Bee and act ant of honey bees, that's pure and clean . it has powers of binding spell to bind you together. it was formed in the year of 1932 by grand Jaja Bwa-ddeneand he is the one with the most powerful bring back lost lover spell.

Stop Cheating Spell

To anyone tired of being cheated on be it when you live with your lover or not here is one of the most powerful love spells, this spell works exclusively effective, this spell is so good and it was formed in the year 1862 by my late grand Jaja mayimuna kafumya “peace upon Him” and it has been used several times. this spell stops your lover from cheating even when he/she has just start or still thinking about it, it just gives him/her control over rejecting the idea of cheating on you even when the person he was cheating with tries to get him back he is commanded by the spell to reject everything from him /her and it controls him or her from cheating and it keeps your love from him as your only love. even when your in different countries and you use this spell over your lover, you will find him/her as you left him, men and women have been using this spell of all times. This spell has ingredients which makes your lover not even to appreciate anyone’s beauty or good looking and you will be the most beautiful and good looking in his eyes of your lover, it has that power of making you the best over everyone, this is a very good spell where by you will be the one in control over your lover and you will be the one with the locking and unlocking spell phrase and he is the one with the most powerful bring back lost lover spell.

Court case Spell

Doctor Honey love court case spell help anyone who seek help from me, Has the case just been committed and you don’t want the case to reveal or when you have been arrested when you don’t want the case to proceed to court?, even when your case is already in court when you want the case to be dismissed and the witnesses not to appear to court be it when you want your appeal to be honored and when you want to reduce on the penalty your to be given even when you were convicted I can help you out of it and those who have served when you wanted to be released on president’s command and well behaving excuse contact me I get  you out of it and results within 24-48hrs ,My court case spell can stop the disagreement between two parties, groups, individuals or a company-to-company affairs, through using different powers that belongs to my grand’s and ancestors which influence that party you’re against with or accused side to navigate it as your wish. The Powers also influences the judge or judges and the sensors to agree together to dismiss the case in your favor or to make you win the case at every level like district level, high court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court

Break up spells

Don’t reach to the extent of killing your partner because he/she don’t want to go away from your life. My spell help you to breakup with him/her and go away peacefully and its one of the strongest love spells, this spell help you to influence your angry partner to go way. he/she will accept what you want, even if you want to have control to the child or anything you want your partner will accept, and you share wealth equally as you wish, this spell has the powers to influence your partner to go without telling you. And he/her will go with his/her things without taking yours and he/she can’t cause harm on you because this spell has the powers to protect you. This spell work in the time you want the break up to happen and he is the one with the most powerful bring back lost lover spell.


This spell provide protection to anyone who wants it in whatever kind. It has different powers of my grand’s and ancestors, it has the powers of the Highest ancestor Jaja Mukasa. This spell helps to block anyone who has come to cause harm to you like killing you, causing accident, poisoning you, that person become weak from a distance without reaching you. he/she can die, can look for you without seeing you anywhere, can also reach to you without causing harm to you and tell you the person who sent him/her to do it. Even if they sent you every type of magic, the power of this spell dissolves it and it continues contact me am the  one with the most powerful bring back lost lover spell.


This a very strong for gays be it when your know or not Because this spell helps you to protect you from anti-gays be it when the society when your love is welcomed or not this spell makes it work and help you to get anyone of your choice be it when is a gay or not this spell will influence his heart and feelings to start developing towards your desired aims and he is the one with the most powerful bring back lost lover spell.


Don't feel like you can't have that person you fall for because everything can be done with just casting a powerful spell even when that person is not a lesbian or even when is having another relationship this spell brings her to you within few hours and he is the one with the most powerful bring back lost lover spell.


Have you looked for the baby and is nowhere to be found? Have you ever given birth but you have failed to conceive again? Do you what to change the gender of babies you give birth to? Do you want to give birth to twins even when you have never given birth to them? Quick pregnancy within 24-48hrs convincing? This spell is perfect for you.

The Late Great Grand Father Kaka Sulaiman

The Spiritual Reed Basket

Muti Baganda Smoking Pipe

Muti Baganda Calabash

Ancestor jaja Ddungu's braclet

Black Magic Ring
for late Great Grand Kaka Sulaiman


I Doctor Honey Love, I have never failed to deliver 100% guarantee results to my clients whom seek help from me either physically OR Online and also to my clients whom i meet physically in various places to solve their problems Like financial issues, business issues, Court case issue, Marriage issues, Divorce Case, promotions at work, bring back ex-lover, binding their lover, break up issues, cleansing and so many others.

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